Blue Tansy Essential Oil 5ml.
Plant Part: Leaves and Flowers
Origin: Morocco
Processing Method: Steam Distilled
Description / Color / Consistency: A thick, blue liquid.
Aromatic Summary / Note / Strength of Aroma: A middle note with a medium aroma, Tansy Blue has a surprisingly sweet scent making it perfect for applications in skin-care products.
Blends With: Blends well with most essential oils, though particularly with Ravensara and Ravintsara. When blending, special attention should be given for color issues that may arise; for example, a bluish tint or discoloration if used in a white cream or lotion.
Product Abstract: Blue Tansy is also known as True Moroccan Chamomile. Another variety grown in Morocco, Ormensis multicaulis, is correctly called Wild Moroccan Chamomile, but it does not have the distinctive blue colour of the other chamomiles. Blue Tansy, like the other blue essential oils, contains the active azulene. It seems to display its strongest effects if its maximum concentration in a blend does not exceed 5%.
Cautions: Dilute before use; for external use only. May cause skin irritation in some individuals; a skin test is recommended prior to use. Contact with eyes should be avoided.
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